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Supporting Your Child with Behavior and Emotional Issues

Supporting your child with behavior and emotional issues

Consistency and a daily routine provide structure to allow your child to thrive as they grow and develop. Small things like following through on what you tell your child and setting and sticking to regular wake up, meal and bedtimes can support them. When your child can count on some stability in their life, it makes it easier for them to learn appropriate behaviors and cope with the unpredictable parts of life.

Children often act out because they are frustrated and have a hard time communicating this to their parents. Parents can use “emotion coaching” to help their child name the feeling. Then they use validation to tell their child that they understand and accept their thoughts or feelings. Validation doesn’t mean you are agreeing with or like their behavior, but that you are listening and trying to understand their point of view.

The links and resources can help you learn about behavior problems, trauma, emotion coaching and validation: