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Picnic Point Comprehensive School Counseling

Counseling Program Mission Statement

At Picnic Point, our counseling program works to ensure all students grow into confident, successful learners with the emotional intelligence and personal resiliency to navigate life’s challenges and contribute to society. All children are encouraged to feel a sense of belonging and taught universal positive behaviors and supports (PBIS), including bullying prevention and personal safety. We proactively teach self-awareness and growth mindset behaviors, emotional regulation and mindfulness, responsibility, relationship skills, and character development. Parents, educators, family members and members of our community are welcome, valued collaborators.

Core guiding beliefs:

  • Every student has the right to equitable treatment and access to supports, encouragement and opportunities at school and across the lifespan.
  • Every student can develop the skills necessary to be academically successful, to grow in healthy ways, to develop positive, meaningful relationships, and to make responsible choices.
  • Every student has a unique story, and different personal assets and challenges, learning strategies, interests, and goals—and these differences form a rich tapestry which enriches and contributes to our learning environment,
  • Every student can develop resiliency, growth mindset and self-efficacy to enable them to persevere, grow and succeed to become educated, productive members of society.
  • Every student is responsible for their actions, attitudes, and choices, and can be taught and empowered to be respectful, thoughtful decision-makers